Skip Hop
Art Direction, Graphic Design, & Illustration
How can a brand known for painfully cute products roll that look and feel into its marketing materials?
Mealtime Packaging
Just because products find themselves all throughout a store doesn't mean they can't look like they come from the same family.
Through materials, design, and a flexible styleguide these packs stay true to the brand while clearly showing the product.
Digital Marketing
Brand consistency isn't about always using chevrons or having a stale e-blast template.
Digital materials allow for a brand to stretch it's look and feel while keeping a single brand voice that resonates with customers.
Retailer & National Ads
Consistent, Clear, Cute: the 3 C's of Skip Hop print ads.
Product Sellsheets
Information heavy, but focused, sales team support materials.
The style of the brand fit personally with my own love of cut paper illustration. Hand cut from construction paper- these illustrations were used for
e-blasts, marketing materials, and were used as the theme for a company wide retreat.